Proterra Group
Stormwater Cleaning & Relining Program & Tender Documentation, QLD

Client Name

Maranoa Regional Council


Under $15,000


Asset Management


The Challenge
Due to Maranoa Regional Council’s asset management strategy, a stormwater cleaning and relining program was to be undertaken based on condition data captured throughout a recent inspection program.

Due to the available budget, it was required to identify the most affected and critical assets, in both structural and serviceability aspects, as not all damaged assets will be able to be included due to costs. This program was then to be issued out to market with all appropriate documentation developed.
The Solution
Council accepted Proterra Group's proposal to undertake the development of a number of deliverables to complete the objectives of the project which included:

- A priority model on the captured condition assessment data of Council's stormwater network.
- Rationale documentation of the asset selection process, ie prioritisation model.
- Schedule of works for all activities including cleaning, relining and replacement/repair of stormwater pipes.
- Pricing schedule for all works.
- Tender specifications and documentation.

Client Contact

Jarvis Black - Senior Engineer

Local Buy Contract

Delivery Team
Dan Whitehouse
The Benefit
In addition to this project, Proterra Group also undertook the inspection program that captured the condition data that is being used to develop this works package. The inspection program was undertaken using a combination of CCTV and Quickview inspection systems, inspecting the entire MRC network throughout the different townships.

The benefit of carrying out both the inspection works and this project was Proterra Group's familiarity with the condition of the network, ensuring the most critical assets have been identified to be repaired.

Along with the high-quality condition data that Proterra Group captured throughout the inspection program, the development of the prioritisation model has also been of great benefit as it clearly states the process of selecting the most appropriate assets for the program, and can also be used for future projects and asset classes.
The Result
Proterra Group successfully achieved all project outcomes that MRC stipulated with the RFT successfully being issued to the industry in high detail.

Additionally, the development and documentation of the prioritisation model were well received as this provides a basis for the program and also will assist in the future. The undertaking of both the inspection works and the analysis/works schedule by Proterra Group was important in obtaining this high-quality result.
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