Proterra Group
Management & Operation of Mundubbera Waste Management Facility, Mundubbera QLD

Client Name

North Burnett Regional Council




Waste Management


Current Contract
Proterra Group was awarded the Mundubbera Waste Management Facility contract in late-2022.

The Mundubbera Waste Management Facility is the principal waste facility for Council and is the only landfill for the Region. The site is located on 59 acres of freehold land that has previously been cleared and is owned by the North Burnett Regional Council. The site is south of the Burnett River approximately 2.5km by road from the centre of Mundubbera township.

To date only the eastern third of the site has been developed for use in waste management operations, this is approximately 22 acres. The development of the site includes security fencing, weighbridge, site buildings, stockpiles for recyclables, landfill cell for municipal solid waste (MSW) and a dam located in the southeast corner of the site.

The site accepts a range of waste including domestic waste, commercial waste, domestic clean up waste, construction waste, industrial waste, garden waste, putrescible waste, solid inert waste and certain regulated waste.

Client Contact

Rachael Duncan, Environment Stream Leader

Local Buy Contract

Delivery Team
Mundubbera Waste Facility Team
The scope of our daily operations at the Mundubbera Waste Management Facility include:
· Receiving and inspecting loads of waste and recyclable materials entering the site.
· Collecting Council Fees and Charges at the gatehouse.
· Directing customers to the drop-off areas, transfer station or landfill active face.
· Inspection of loads to ensure there is no disposal of any prohibited waste.
· Prohibit scavenging at waste facilities except in authorised circumstances (tip shop).
· Filling and compaction of waste into landfill cells.
· Management of windblown litter.
· Management of the bulk stockpile area for green waste, scrap steel, concrete and other materials as required.
· Coordinating the handling, processing and on or off-site resource recovery of scrap metals, concrete, waste oil, household hazardous wastes and other material.
· Coordinating and managing the periodic mulching of green waste.
· Environmental management of the Site, including sediment and erosion control, dust suppression, noise control, Leachate management system, odour, pest, and vermin control and minimising uncontrolled release of landfill gas; and
· Vegetation management, including mowing and slashing of all grassed areas, weed control and maintenance of all trees, shrubs and garden beds
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