Proterra Group
Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Update, QLD

Client Name

Balonne Shire Council


Under $10,000


Civil Engineering


The Challenge
Each year, the Balonne Shire Council is required to review and provide the Drinking Water Quality Management Plan to the relevant state department, staying up to date with requirments.
The Solution
Proterra Group were engaged by Balonne Shire Council to complete the review and update to maintain the drinking water quality.

Client Contact

Dylan Sherriff - Senior Town Supervisor

Local Buy Contract

Delivery Team
Michael Shellshear, Courtney Shadbolt
The Benefit
The review was undertaken and improvements were suggested for future iterations of the document as part of one of our values to provide practical solutions to Council that are achievable and maintainable.
The Result
The document was reviewed and provided as required by Council. For the next large update of the document, Council have suggestions for incorporation to move forward with.
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