Proterra Group
Cooma Road Floodway Betterment Project, QLD

Client Name

Quilpie Shire Council


Over $400,000


Regional Projects


2021 - 2023
The Challenge
Cooma Road is situated Southwest of Eromanga Township in Quilpie Shire. The asset is 16km in length and is the only access to that area via Telephone Bore Road. During wet events, these landowners are completely cut off due to a few floodways. These closures happen after every rainstorm sometimes up to six times a year and last for up to a week at a time, until the road has dried out.
The Solution
Constructing concrete floodways across five of the main floodways would prevent the continuous cost of gravel re-sheeting and grading after major and minor rain events, also allowing road users back onto the road sooner.

Client Contact

Peter See, Director Engineering Services

Local Buy Contract

Delivery Team
Adam Rae, Cameron Mocke, Quilpie Shire Concrete Team
The Benefits
Concreting these sections will increase the commercial activity in the vicinity providing multiple positive benefits to the broader environment and surrounding areas by enhancing the long-term safety and stability of the asset and improving income security by building confidence for consumers and local road users. It will also boost property/business values because of reduced damage and disruption and enhance community protection (including reducing damage to physical properties such as vehicles and cattle trucks), as well as minimizing the cost of repairing the asset by the council after each rain event.
The Result
The five floodways were constructed using steel fibre cement. This was the first time that steel fibre cement was used in this shire, saving time and cost. The project was completed successfully allowing traffic to utilize the asset sooner after each rain event.
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