Proterra Group
Blackspot Program Nominations In the Southern Downs Region, QLD

Client Name

Southern Downs Regional Council


$15,000 - $50,000


Civil Engineering


2020 - 2021
The Challenge
Southern Downs Regional Council had identified 21 sites to be considered for Black Spot Funding provided by the Federal Government. They required external assistance to prepare the necessary documentation to help secure the funding.
The Solution
Proterra Group was engaged to complete the research and documentation required. The Proterra team investigated each site, conducting physical and desktop audits before preparing the documents needed for nomination. The full list of documentation included: a concept sketch, cost estimate, crash data, locality maps, RPEQ endorsement form and Black Spot nomination form.

Client Contact

James Varughese, Principal Engineer

Local Buy Contract

Delivery Team
Dan Whitehouse, Clare Ferguson, Michael Shellshear
The Benefit
The Black Spot funding is part of the Local and State Government Road Safety Package. The funding is to be used to help local councils improve Black Spot target road locations where crashes are occurring. Black Spot projects focus on minor improvement measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at high-risk locations. These improvements will ultimately reduce the likelihood of more crashes happening, and reduce the financial, physical, and emotional costs to Australians. 
The Result
Proterra Group were successful in obtaining $1.4M in Black Spot funding in the 21-22 FY for Southern Downs Regional Council across sixteen sites.  Southern Downs Regional Council commenced work on these projects in early July 2021. They anticipate all projects will be completed by 30 June 2022.
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